COVID-19 Pandemic
office is open to see patientsNovember 2020
Reopening dental offices: a staged approach
According to the most recent Directive from the Chief Medical Officer of Health, dentists can provide non-essential and elective care along with essential services, emergency and urgent care.
COVID-19 is in the news everywhere, and we are closely monitoring the situation. We’re reaching out to assure you that you are safe at our clinic.
We already, as a daily practice, assure universal precautions as outlined by the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (RCDSO). Safety is always our number one focus. Our high standard of care ensures that your trust and safety are never compromised.
We are taking extended measures to further protect all our patients and team with the following additional protocols:
We will be pre-screening all patients to their appointment and again at the entrance to the clinic
We require that patients wear a cloth or disposable mask when entering our office and after the
appointment when you are interacting in the office area
We will be taking temperature checks for patients and staff upon entry of the clinic
Before your appointment, you have the option to stay in your car instead of the waiting room until
we’re ready to seat you in your personal operatory. Simply call us when you arrive, and we will let
you know when we’re ready for you.
Upon entering the clinic, you will be asked to sanitize your hands
At the beginning of every appointment, you will be asked to pre-rinse with a hydrogen peroxide
mouth wash
Additionally, we are requesting you sanitize your hands before re-entering the office areas
We will be working on a reduced capacity to improve social distancing efforts and enhance the
safety of staff and patients. Extra time is scheduled between patients’ appointments to allow
thorough cleaning and disinfection of treatment rooms and equipment
If you are curious to what protcols we are following, please visit:
CDA Clarifies WHO Considerations to Delay Non-essential Oral Health Care are Not Relevant for Canada, but for Countries with Widespread COVID-19 Outbreaks:
You can be assured safety measures at our clinic will continue to evolve as more information develops.
Stay safe. | |